New members are accepted into the Association on the basis of a decision of the SBA Members’ Assembly, and has two forms: full membership and associate membership.
SBA membersMember of the Slovak Banking Association can become: banks, foreign bank branches, financial institutions carrying on their activity in accordance with and in the scope of their licence granted by the National Bank of Slovakia and legal entities whose main line of business is the provision of services for banks.
Under the SBA statute, a full member has the right to vote in SBA bodies; to participate in activities that the SBA pursues in the framework of its activities; to share in the results of the SBA’s activity and in benefits provided; to submit initiatives, proposals and comments regarding the SBA’s activity; to participate in the governance and supervision of the SBA’s activity; to elect bodies and to have a representative elected to these bodies.
An associate member has similar rights as a full member, other than the right to vote on SBA bodies; to elect SBA bodies and to have a representative elected to these bodies; to participate in the governance and supervision of the SBA’s activity; an associate member can, though, participate in the work of expert committees.
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