Common voice
of the banking sector

A voice to shape the legal and economic environment in which banks operate and serve their customers.

More about SBA

Representing the interests of banks operating in Slovakia

Slovak Banking Association represents a forum for its members, in which they can work together on creating conditions for banking. To this end SBA works through correct partnerships, mutual consultations and effective dialogue with market regulators and lawmakers.

Protecting our
members’ interests
since 1993

The Slovak Banking Association is a key association in Slovakia’s financial sector and the sole organisation representing banks’ interests


99 %of the sector


A key association in Slovakia’s financial sector

Slovak Banking Association is a voluntary association of legal entities operating primarily in the field of banking. SBA seeks to protect its members’ interests and support their activities.


Slovenská banková asociácia
Mýtna 48, Blumental Offices I
811 07 Bratislava

google maps

IČO: 30 813 182 / DIČ: 20 20 80 99 78 /
IČ DPH: SK 2020809978

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